Physical Education at Orrvale Primary School encourages students to explore and experience movement and activity in the environment.
The program focuses on health and fitness, Fundamental Motor and Sport Specific Skills and supports students to build independent and team skills. Fostering student’s enjoyment and love of movement and activity is at the forefront of every lesson.
Students receive a 60 minute lesson each week and provides opportunities for students to be introduced to a number of sports which can then be taken to inter-school competitions, and possibly state-level.
Each year Orrvale Primary School holds a whole school athletics carnival and also participates in the Goulburn Valley Inter-School Athletics Carnival at the Shepparton Athletics Track.
Swimming Program
Students at Orrvale Primary School participate in a compulsory intensive swim program from Foundation – Year 4.
Year 5/6 students attend a Yachting Victoria Program, which incorporates swimming and yachting skills in open water and survival and rescue skills.
Bike Education
Year 4-6 students participate in a week-long intensive Bike Education program. The course aims at teaching riding skills and road safety/awareness. Students participate in a Bike Hike taking course to KidsTown utilising Shepparton bike paths.
Dance Festival
Students practice and learn modern and traditional dances and perform to the school community during a dance festival week.